A dedicated instructor, Kimberly Snaufer DeRosa supports, encourages and challenges students of all ages and levels on their own musical journey. Instruction is offered online and in-person.
Kimberly is committed to:
1) Nurturing the love for music and the harp
2) Developing skills and self-expression
3) Building confidence and polish
4) Enhancing a personal experience with music
Over 30 years of individual and group teaching experience.
Harp instructor at Lewisville Independent School District.
Founding director for Harp Journeys Festival for Adults and the Houston Summer Harp Festival - a harp immersion week open to ages 11 - 19. Harp rentals, on-campus housing and scholarships are available. For more information go to www.HoustonSummerHarpFestival.com
Guest Artist presentations include Northern Colorado Harp Festival, Beauty of the Harp, Gulf Coast Harpers, Greater Houston Chapter, Young Audiences, Harp in Worship, North Jersey Chapter of American Harp Society, New Orleans Chapter of AHS.
Previous affiliations as harp instructor/Adjunct/Affiliate Artist include Houston Baptist University, Sam Houston State University, Howard Payne University and School of the Woods Montessori School.
Bachelor of Music at Southern Methodist University (Susan Dederich-Pejovich)
Special Graduate Program at The Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto (Judy Loman)